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Vintage Stereo, Amplifier and Radio Restoration
title. Sony TFM-C650W. Late 70s. Before and after photos.
date. 2018
work. Contaminated with cigarette smoke, dirt, grime. Torn electrical cord. Cleaned/disinfected, Rebuilt motor/gearbox, added lighting with warm-white LEDs, polished front window, replaced cord.
s-l1600 (2) | s-l1600 (1) |
s-l1600 | IMG_20180113_120010432_HDR |
IMG_20180113_120021969 | IMG_20180114_193657935_HDR |
IMG_20180114_193709000_HDR | IMG_20180114_193854808_HDR |
IMG_20180114_193704085_HDR | IMG_20180113_120013973 |
IMG_20180114_193823048_HDR | IMG_20180114_193837739_HDR |
IMG_20180114_193830615_HDR | IMG_20180113_135258986 |
IMG_20180113_144306471 | IMG_20180113_145606332_HDR |
IMG_20180113_132121108 | IMG_20180113_145611873_HDR |
IMG_20180113_145959145_HDR | IMG_20180114_200402973 |
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